Optimize Your Surgical Procedures with Osung USA’s Bone Scraper

Welcome to our latest post where we shine the spotlight on another essential dental instrument from Osung USA – the Bone Graft Harvester Sterile Cortical Bone Scraper. This tool is designed to provide dental professionals with the efficiency and precision needed for successful surgical procedures. Why Choose the […]

PRF and GRF Box: A Revolutionary Treatment for the Dental Community

If you’re a dentist, then you’ve probably heard of PRF (platelet rich fibrin) and GRF (growth factor rich fibrin). These materials are used in various dental procedures to help promote healing. But what are they, and how do they work? Dentists have a variety of materials at their […]

Basic Dental Implant Surgery Kit: Explaining Tools, Steps and Benefits

    The Basic Dental Implant Surgery Kit includes the most commonly used instruments required during an implant procedure. With 23 essential surgical tools, the practitioner gets selected items that they will use regularly in the procedures.      A dental implant surgery kit is a must-have for any implant […]

Dental Implant Screw Removal Kit- Benefits and Usage

     Dental implant screw removal can be a difficult and time-consuming process, but it doesn’t have to be with the help of this kit. This dental implant screw removal kit contains all the necessary instruments you’ll need for implant extraction. It includes an implant extractor, surgical scalpel […]

Why you should invest in a Bone Expander Kit?

Many people struggle with weak, painful teeth. Those who are in particularly bad shape might need the assistance of an orthodontist to fix their dental issues. At Osung USA, we’re constantly looking for ways to improve lives and provide relief from pain and discomfort. That is why we […]


Introducing Osung USA’s Sinus Membrane Lifting System – a revolutionary approach to sinus problems, especially if you have had issues with other remedies in the past. This is an innovative and convenient solution that will power through infected areas without damaging surrounding tissue. It can be used to […]


Implant Osung Sinus Lift Crestal Kit is designed to safely and conveniently lift the sinus membranes in the maxillary region from a crestal approach. This kit includes all of what you need for a successful procedure, including implant, hydro-dissection device, syringe driver chamber with mounting plate and needle […]